IFAS ver. 1.2


1. Utilization of satellite-based rainfall as an input data

Realtime satellite-based rainfall information which covers the almost whole world is provided from NASA, NOAA, JAXA, etc. Satellite-based rainfall could be available if there is even a personal computer connecting with internet, which can substitute ground rainfall gauges to some extent.

2. Implementation of Distributed run-off analysis engines

A run-off analysis engine is a physics-based distributed hydrological model. Most of parameters are related to physical basin condition of land use and soil type, which are globally available in public. Guideline parameters are prepared based on past simulation results, therefore, the application can be extended to any poorly gauged basins easily.

3. Function of creating run-off model

IFAS has a function to create runoff model and to estimate parameters using the GIS data of elevation, land use, soil type, etc. With this function, runoff analysis can be applied to basins with insufficient hydrological and geophysical information.

4. Visualization of flood forecasting results

IFAS can display output results on digital map. User can easily identify the risk of flood with seeing visualized simulation results.

5. Free distribution

ICHARM distributes IFAS (executable file) for free.

IFAS ver. 1.2 download
For more information, please contact: suimon@pwri.go.jp
This system is produced by cooporative research project with IDI and 9 private companies.
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