
HARADA Daisuke
原田 大輔
Daisuke HARADA
Research Specialist, Water-related Hazard Research Group
水災害研究グループ 専門研究員
Home town (country); 出身:
Kurashiki, Okayama, Japan: 岡山県 倉敷市
Message; メッセージ:
My research interest is the basin scale sediment transport and local scale riverbed deformation and channel change resulting from the sediment runoff by using numerical simulation, field observation, and flume experiments. I am conducting my research with a dream to contribute to the better relationships of human societies and nature.

Main Research Topic(s); 主な研究内容:
  • Numerical analysis on the basin scale sediment and driftwood transport
  • Riverbed deformation and channel change with flood flow

  • 流域スケールの土砂・流木輸送の数値解析
  • 洪水流に伴う流路・河床変動
Academic/Professional Experience and Qualifications; 主な学歴・職歴、資格など:
Academic background: :
March 2010 : B.Eng., Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Tokyo
March 2012 : M.Eng, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Tokyo
March 2015 : Ph.D., Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Tokyo
2010年3月 : 東京大学工学部 社会基盤学科 卒業
2012年3月 : 東京大学大学院 社会基盤学専攻 修士課程 修了
2015年3月 : 東京大学大学院 社会基盤学専攻 博士課程 修了
Professional/Research Experience:
Apr. 2012-Mar. 2015 : Research Fellow, JSPS
Apr. 2015-Aug. 2016 : Researcher, The University of Tokyo
Aug. 2016-Present : Research Specialist, ICHARM
Apr. 2019-Present : Adjunct Associate Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)
2012年4月-2015年3月 : 日本学術振興会特別研究員 (DC1)
2015年4月-2016年8月 : 東京大学 特任研究員
2016年9月-現在 : ICHARM 専門研究員
2019年4月-現在 : 政策研究大学院大学 連携准教授

Recent Publications; 著書:
原田大輔,江頭進治,中山間地河川における豪雨時の土砂流出評価法,土木学会論文集B1(水工学) Vol.77, 2021 (採択済み).
原田大輔,江頭進治,多量の土砂を含む洪水氾濫流の特徴 -2019年五福谷川洪水を例に,令和3年度(公社)砂防学会研究発表会概要集,令和3年度(公社)砂防学会研究発表会,(公社)砂防学会,pp.27-28, 2021.
HARADA Daisuke and EGASHIRA Shinji, Erosion rate of bed sediment in terms of entrainment concept, 22nd IAHR-APD CONGRESS 2020 IN SAPPORO, IAHR-APD, Septemner 14-15, 2020.
HARADA Daisuke, EGASHIRA Shinji and ITO Hiroyuki, Characteristics of active sediment transport processes in extreme flood hazards, Proceedings of River Flow 2020, July 6-10, 2020.
原田大輔,江頭進治,連行速度を用いた浮遊砂の解析法,土木学会論文集B1(水工学)Vol.76, No.2,pp.1111-1116,2020.
HARADA Daisuke and EGASHIRA Shinji, Evaluation of driftwood behaviour in terms of convection-diffusion equation -In the Akatani reach at the flood disaster in July, 2017-, 11th River, Coastal & Morphodynamics Symposium, 11th River, Coastal & Morphodynamics Symposium, IAHR, Auckland University of Technology, November 16-21, 2019.
Daisuke Harada, Naoko Nagumo, Yousuke Nakamura and Shinji Egashira, Characteristics of Flood Flow with Active Sediment Transport in the Sozu River Flood Hazards at the Severe Rainfall Event in July 2018, Journal of Disaster Research (JDR), Vol.14, Issue6, pp.886-893, September, 2019.
原田大輔,江頭進治,Tanjir Saif Ahmed,片山直哉,連行の概念を用いた河床の侵食率に関する研究,土木学会論文集B1(水工学)Vol.75, No.4,2019.
原田大輔,江頭進治,流砂機構に着目した流砂の縦断分級現象の評価法,土木学会論文集B1(水工学)Vol.74, No.5,pp.I_907-I_912,2018年11月.
D. Harada, S. Egashira & A. Yorozuya: Method to evaluate longitudinal sediment sorting processes, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Scour and Erosion, November 2018.
Daisuke Harada and Shinji Egashira: Behavior of driftwood in terms of convection-diffusion equation, 21st Congress of Asia and Pacific Division of International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR-APD), IAHR-APD, Yogyakarta, INDONESIA, September 2-5, 2018.
原田大輔,江頭進治:流砂・流木を伴う洪水流の解析 ―2017年7月九州北部豪雨による赤谷川洪水を対象として-.土木学会論文集B1(水工学)Vol.74, No.4, I_937-I_942,2018年3月.
江頭進治,原田大輔,南雲直子,山崎祐介,萬矢敦啓:崩壊・土石流による堆積土砂に着目した微細砂の流出予測法 ―2017年7月九州北部豪雨災害時の赤谷川を対象として―.土木学会論文集B1(水工学) Vol.74, No.4, I_925-I_930, 2018年3月.
D. Harada, S. Egashira, A. Yorozuya and Y. Iwami:Influence of riverbed deformation on flood flow in the Omoto river flood disaster 2016, Japan,Proceedings of 10th Symposium on River,coastal and estuarine morphodynamics, RCEM 2017,pp.190, Semtember, 2017.
原田大輔,江頭進治,萬矢敦啓,岩見洋一:2016年度小本川災害における流路・河床変動を伴う洪水流の解析,河川技術論文集 第23巻,土木学会,2017年6月.
Daisuke Harada and Takeyoshi Chibana : Laboratory and Field Experiments on the cause of Increased Sediment Exchange Depths in Japanese Gravel-bed Rivers, Two-phase modeling for Sediment dynamics in geophysical flows, THESIS-2016, pp.133-136, September, 2016.
Daisuke HARADA, Takeyoshi CHIBANA and Shion SAITO: Forming conditions of riverbed with loose stone on fine materials focused on gradient inflection point in the alluvial fan, Proceedings of 14th Annual Joint Seminar between Japan & Korea, Busan, Korea, Aug. 2016.
原田大輔,知花武佳,日野将人:土砂動態観測に基づいた交互砂州の形状・土砂移動特性と川幅水深比によるその違い,河川技術に関する論文集,vol.22, pp.175-180,2016年6月.
Daisuke HARADA, Atsuo KAWAGUCHI, Wen-shin LIN and Takeyoshi CHIBANA: Analysis of the mechanism how boulders influence sediment transportation in mountain river, Proceedings of 13th Annual Joint Seminar between Japan & Korea, Nagano, Japan, August 21-22, 2015.
Daisuke Harada, Takeyoshi Chibana & Kimiko Yamashita (2013):Characteristics of Stabilized Gravel Bars and Their Determining Factors Focusing on Riffle-Pool Structures, Proc. of the 12th International Symposium on River Sedimentation, pp.1577-1582.
Daisuke Harada and Takeyoshi Chibana : Forming Process of Vegetated river channel toward Restoration for River Ecosystems, Journal of Asian Urbanism No.7, pp.12-13, 2012.
Takeyoshi CHIBANA,Daisuke HARADA,Kimiko YAMASHITA,Tatsuya ASAI,:Characteristics of Riverbed Configuration Affected by River-crossing Structures,KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, February 2012, Volume 16, Issue 2, pp 223-227.
Daisuke Harada and Takeyoshi Chibana: Characteristics of Sequential variation in River Channel Width in the Watarase River, Proc.of The 18th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research, 2012 August.
原田大輔,知花武佳,山下貴美子:人為的改変の影響を受けた河川の構造とその河道形成機構,土木学会論文集B1(水工学)Vol.68.pp.55-66, 2012年4月.
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